Professor Calls For Climate Change ‘Deniers’ To Be charged as criminals

Wants to criminalize questioning of the science on global warming

Steve Watson
March 17, 2014

A professor with Rochester Institute of Technology has called for the incarceration of any American who actively disagrees that climate change is solely caused by human activity.

Lawrence Torcello, a philosophy professor with a Ph.D. from the University at Buffalo, published the comments as part of an essay submitted to the academic website The Conversation.

Torcello argues that malignant individuals, who he does not identify, are collectively organising a “campaign funding misinformation” about climate change. Torcello goes on to suggest that such activity “ought to be considered criminally negligent.”

Adding that “science misinformation” surrounding climate change should be considered a crime, Torcello asks readers to “Consider cases in which science communication is intentionally undermined for political and financial gain.”

He then goes on to cite a case in Italy where six scientists were jailed for failing to “clearly communicate risks to the public” about living in an earthquake zone.

“Imagine if in L’Aquila, scientists themselves had made every effort to communicate the risks of living in an earthquake zone,” Torcello states, asking the reader to consider the consequences if malevolent “financiers” of a “denialist campaign” “funded an organised campaign to discredit the consensus findings of seismology, and for that reason no preparations were made.”

“I submit that this is just what is happening with the current, well documented funding of global warming denialism,” Torcello asserts.

“Climate denial remains a serious deterrent against meaningful political action in the very countries most responsible for the crisis.” the professor adds.

Torcello also addresses the fact that his demands clearly run in opposition to protected free speech under the First Amendment, and as part of other nations’ laws, calling for legal systems to be “updated” by governments.

“We must make the critical distinction between the protected voicing of one’s unpopular beliefs, and the funding of a strategically organised campaign to undermine the public’s ability to develop and voice informed opinions,” he writes.

According to a Gallup poll conducted earlier this month, two thirds of Americans do not believe that the colder temperatures the country has been experiencing is related to human-caused climate change or global warming, (see video above) instead believing that normal seasonal variations are at play.

The “scientific consensus” on the matter says that human activity is a factor in temperature changes, thus under Torcello’s “updated” law, two thirds of Americans would be at risk of being deemed as criminals for expressing these beliefs.

Americans' Experience of Extremes in Local Weather and the Perceived Cause, March 2014

Torcello’s America would also see countless scientists thrown into prison for continually presenting evidence that shows there is no scientific evidence that human activity is causing the planet to warm. The latest to be locked up would be Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, who testified in front of a Senate committee last month that “There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years.”

Moore cited the IPCC’s own figures on global warming which show only a 0.57C temperature increase during the 30-year period from 1970 to 2000. Since then there has been no increase, perhaps a slight decrease, in average global temperature.

Furthermore, the latest temperature data from two U.S. government bureaucracies, NASA and NOAA, verifies that the “pause” or “hiatus” in global warming is still ongoing. If professor Torcello had his way, the scientists involved in those studies would presumably also be imprisoned.



MIT Professor Exposes Climate Change Hysteria

by Mikael Thalen
January 17th, 2014
Originally posted 01/17/2014 at 4:58 pm

A leading climate change figure has come out against the government’s continued and ridiculous climate change hysteria.

Speaking in regards to Massachusetts’ new $50 million climate change proposal, MIT Professor Richard Lindzen, a leading figure in the climate change movement, pointed out the absurdity of blaming every weather event on global warming and climate change.

“The changes that have occurred due to global warning are too small to account for,” Lindzen told WBZ-TV. “It has nothing to do with global warming, it has to do with where we live.”

Although supporting the theory of man-made global warming, Lindzen admitted that rhetoric from the political class and green movement has been nothing more than over-the-top “catastrophism.”

“Even many of the people who are supportive of sounding the global warning alarm, back off from catastrophism,” Lindzen said. “It’s the politicians and the green movement that like to portray catastrophe.”

Even more surprising, Lindzen goes on to point out the government’s obvious use of climate change alarmism to push greater state control, even warning over politicians’ use of “crony capitalism.”

“Global warming, climate change, all these things are just a dream come true for politicians. The opportunities for taxation, for policies, for control, for crony capitalism are just immense, you can see their eyes bulge,” Lindzen said.

Lindzen has frequently been attacked by climate alarmists for refusing to give into political pressures regarding climate sThe growing number of failed predictions from the global warming crowd has only cooled the public’s belief in recent years.

From 2007 to 2009, Al Gore hysterically warned that the North Pole would be completely “ice-free” by 2013. Instead, 2013 experienced record breaking cold and major growth in Arctic ice.

Obama EPA War on Coal to Shut 200+ Coal-Fired Plants, Devastate Economy

Originally posted Friday, 09 August 2013 

Written by  William F. Jasper

America is staring at a fast-approaching energy disaster that needn’t happen. The recent discovery and development of vast deposits of oil and natural gas, now recoverable with new technologies, have provided the U.S. economy with a much-needed boost over the past several years. These new energy sources also offer promise of increasing America’s competitive advantage by drastically lowering energy costs and reducing American dependence on foreign oil. This is of critical importance to luring manufacturing and industry back to the United States.

However, coal, one of our most abundant and important sources of energy, will remain a major component of any viable energy scheme for the United States. According to the federal Energy Information Agency (EIA), 45 percent of the country’s annual four trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity are generated from coal. And, says the EIA, we have a Demonstrated Reserve Base of 496 billion short tons of coal, of which 272 billion tons are considered recoverable with current technology. With U.S. usage at 1.1 billion tons per year, we have about 250 years’ supply at the present rate of consumption.

President Obama, however, has taken the path of the most extreme environmental radicals and declared war on coal. Since he has not been able to get Congress to enact legislation to destroy the coal industry, he is unconstitutionally using the EPA to regulate coal into extinction. 

On August 2, the Reuters news service provided a list of 207 coal-fired plants that are scheduled to close. A May 2 news release from the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) puts the total of coal-fired plant closings even higher, at 285, in 32 states.

If Congress does not restrain the EPA’s regulatory binge, Americans will be hit not only with much higher electricity prices, but also with brownouts and blackouts, especially during the cold winter months and hot summer spells, when heaters and air conditioners put the squeeze on power grids. Warnings of potential brownouts and the need for the public to ease up on air conditioning, as issued recently in Boston and New York, will become commonplace if coal is banished as an energy source.

Barack Obama’s antipathy toward coal is no secret. During his first presidential run, in 2008, candidate Obama let it be known that his plan was to bankrupt the coal industry with huge fees and impossible-to-comply-with regulations, all under the pretext of saving the planet from the discredited threat of global warming. Then-Senator Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle: “So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

 Ed Hiserodt explained in The New American last year in “Coal: The Rock That Burns”

Despite the increasing cleanliness of the air in the United States, Obama’s EPA is implementing extremely burdensome regulations, purportedly to clean up air pollution. However, the implementation requirements of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule reveal its purpose of punishing coal-fired generation: The modifications required for any power plant are tremendous in terms of engineering man-hours, design of site-specific control devices, and lengthy shutdowns for construction purposes. Years of planning and ordering capital equipment are necessary for even seemingly minor projects. 

Obama Advisor Admits “War on Coal”

One of President Obama’s top environmental advisers, Prof. Daniel Schrag, who runs Harvard University’s Center for the Environment, publicly let the cat out of the bag in a recent interview with the New York Times. Prof. Schrag told the Times

Politically, the White House is hesitant to say they’re having a war on coal. On the other hand, a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.

In short, the administration is trying to appear moderate and attempting to portray its anti-coal crusade as a commonsense response to protect public health and safety by regulating coal air emissions and water pollution. But stripped of its camouflage, the Obama EPA is indeed engaged in a war on coal.  

Prof. Schrag, a full-blown global-warming alarmist, is less inclined to mince words. He is also less than collegial and tolerant when it comes to debating fellow scientists who do not share his hysterical views on climate change. After testifying before the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in 2006, Schrag took to the pages of the Boston Globe to denounce the distinguished scientists and professors who had provided testimony contradicting his alarmism as “a gathering of liars and charlatans, sponsored by those industries who want to protect their profits.”

Not exactly civil, professional behavior on the part of Prof. Schrag, but it is typical of the zealotry of the Green Lobby that has encamped about Obama and his appointments that populate the regulatory agencies.

Gina McCarthy “Fuel-switching” Tactic: Natural Gas vs. Coal

Leading the FedGov regulatory blitzkrieg on coal is the EPA. Things are not likely to improve there under Gina McCarthy, Obama’s newly appointed EPA administrator, who was confirmed by the Senate in July, on a 59-40 vote. In a June 26 story for CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow), Dr. Bonner Cohen reported

In 2012, the Obama EPA issued its “new source performance standard” that effectively made it impossible to build new coal-fired power plants, because no technology exists that would enable utilities to meet the new standards. At the time, the head of EPA’s air office, Gina McCarthy, assured the public that existing plants would not have to meet the new standard and that EPA was not promoting fuel-switching. Less than a year after McCarthy’s solemn promise, however, the following sentence appears on page 19 of Obama’s Climate Action Plan: “Going forward, we will promote fuel-switching from coal to gas for electricity production and encourage the development for a global market for gas.” 

Dr. Cohen points out: “While natural gas extracted from America’s vast shale formations will be able to fill some of the gap, the elimination of coal as a power source will put huge strains on the already weak economy and on household budgets.” 

More importantly, as Dr. Cohen warns, the enthusiasm for natural gas expressed by many greenies is a cynical ploy, intended to ease the demise of coal. But once coal is shut down, the greens will turn their sights on gas and oil. Cohen writes: 

And what is to keep the war on coal from morphing into a war on gas? While most Americans welcome the jobs and lower power rates the Shale Revolution has made possible, the Obama administration and its allies in the environmental movement remain firm in their hostility to fossil fuels. After coal has been regulated out of existence, green elites will not hesitate to go after natural gas and oil. EPA bureaucrats and Obama administration political appointees are already devising schemes to bring about federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking. 

Congress Is the Key

As The New American has reported previously (“Obama Eyes ‘Executive Orders’ to Circumvent Congress”), President Obama is pursuing a path of rule by executive fiat, relegating Congress to irrelevancy. He has shown by word and deed that he intends to implement his agenda by executive orders and agency rule-making, disregarding all constitutional constraints.

Between January of this year and the August recess, Congress enacted 22 laws. By contrast, the federal government’s website for information on the non-stop avalanche of federal rules and regulations, informs us that unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats have posted thousands of new rules and regulations — in just the past 90 days! According to (as posted on August 8), the following onslaught is currently in the pipeline: 

Today (104)

Last 3 Days (270)

Last 7 Days (493)

Last 15 Days (1,065)

Last 30 Days (2,155)

Last 90 Days (6,571) 

It is worthwhile to pause to reflect on those figures for a moment or two. In a little over seven months, Congress passed 22 pieces of legislation. Meanwhile, federal bureaucrats saddled the country with 6,571 regulations, rules, interpretations, and administrative dicta — in just 90 days! The Obama administration’s war on coal is but one front, albeit a major one, in an all-out revolutionary assault on the rule of law, that is transforming what remains of our constitutional republic into a dictatorship. 

The Unconstitutional Fourth Branch of Government

As we noted last year in “Danger: Federal ‘Regulatory Cliff’ Ahead”

The very first sentence of Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution states: “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” It is difficult to get more plain and definitive than that: “All legislative powers.” Congress is the legislative branch, and it possesses “all legislative powers.” The executive and judicial branches have their own peculiar jurisdictions and purviews, but their powers do not include lawmaking. Nor does the Constitution allow the Congress to sublet or delegate its lawmaking authority to the president, bureaucrats, or judges. Moreover, Congress has only those legislative powers “herein granted,” which means, of course, that Congress may not legislate on whatever its members may wish, but only regarding those particular matters granted by the states in the Constitution.

Nevertheless, Congress (and the American people, whose duty it is to vigilantly monitor Congress) has allowed the executive branch to stealthily, steadily build an enormous fourth branch of government — the federal regulatory leviathan — that has usurped legislative, executive, and judicial powers. According to our Founders, this is “the very definition of tyranny.” 

James Madison, frequently referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” addressed this issue in essay No. 47 of The Federalist, noting: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

Constitutionalists who are determined to stop America’s devolution into administrative tyranny should avail themselves of the opportunity to press members of Congress while they are home on recess to stop the administration’s usurpation of powers through regulation. Ultimately, citizen activists must convince Congress to abolish the unconstitutional agencies that threaten our continued existence as a free people.


Obama moves to limit power-plant carbon

Energy Stakeholders Contest EPA Power Regulations

Proposed EPA Sulfur Standard to Boost Gas Prices

Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year

World’s top climate scientists told to ‘cover up’ the fact that the Earth’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years

Climate Theories Crumble as Data and Experts Suggest Global Cooling

Written by  Alex Newman

Originally posted 8/21/13


So-called global-warming alarmists are in a frenzy after the latest climate data confirmed the Earth actually appears to be entering a potential cooling trend, sea-ice cover in Antarctica is growing to record levels, tornadoes and hurricanes are at record lows, and more. According to experts, the most recent revelations continue to make a mockery of alarmist claims — debunking United Nations theories about human-caused global warming and the wildly inaccurate supposed “climate models” used to forecast doom and gloom by forces seeking carbon taxes and more centralized government.

Proponents of what is known as “anthropogenic global warming” theories, which claim that human activity is to blame for alleged warming, have long warned that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would lead to “catastrophic” warming. The problem is that even based on data gathered by the planet’s premier climate alarmists — the U.K. Met Office, for example, or various U.S. agencies — shows that global warming stopped more than a decade and a half ago, as The New American reported last year.

Now, a leaked version of the upcoming UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report highlighted in the media suggests that the global body’s “climate scientists” are struggling hard to publicly explain the lack of warming they predicted with such confidence. Among the possible explanations offered by the UN’s supposed experts: “ash from volcanoes,” a “decline in heat from the sun,” or more heat being “absorbed by the deep oceans,” according to news reports.

Apparently, however, the draft UN report, set to be released over the next year, does allow for the possibility that the climate is not as “sensitive” to CO2 as the alarmists and their now-debunked models expected. Still, a spokesperson for the IPCC quoted in the government-funded BBC — long criticized for pushing the climate “hoax” despite real evidence — warned the public not to pay attention to the leaked draft because “it is guaranteed it will change” before being officially released. Scientists and experts who have worked on the UN body have told The New American over a period of years that the IPCC is only interested in pushing climate hysteria, regardless of what the facts show.

Of course, CO2, a natural gas exhaled by humans and fundamental to life on earth, has long been vilified by UN climate alarmists as a “pollutant.” Despite the well-known fact human emissions of the gas make up just a fraction of one percent of the greenhouse gasses present naturally in the atmosphere, supporters of man-made global-warming theories insist that humanity must, under UN guidance, destroy the economy to reduce emissions and stave off alleged disaster.

However, with the latest data suggesting that increased levels of CO2 has not led to the “expected” warming, experts say it is time for the UN and its cohorts to re-think their controversial theories. Even the mainstream press in some countries — longtime bastions of climate alarmism — has finally started to report on the potential for global cooling. Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten, for example, ran an explosive article on August 7 about the lack of warming over the last 15 years featuring experts who suggested the earth may actually be entering another “little ice age.”

Reminding readers that the most recent ice age ended just over a century ago, the article was headlined “The behavior of the sun may trigger a new little ice age.” Among other experts, the piece quoted Irish solar specialist Ian Elliott, who warned that “we may be on the path to a new little ice age,” very low solar activity, and “some very cold winters.” Danish astrophysicist Henrik Svensmark, meanwhile, explained that from the 1940s to about the turn of the century, “we have had the highest solar activity in 1000 years.” The last time the sun was so active, Svensmark added, was during the Medieval Warm Period, which climate alarmists consistently downplay or ignore because it does not fit with their “theories.”

“This could mean that the temperature will not rise for the next 30 years or maybe begin to decrease,” the expert continued, adding that “many of the climate models used by IPCC and others overestimate the influence of CO2 and underestimate the influence of the sun.” As far as the upcoming IPCC report goes, Svensmark said the UN body “is very one-sided,” so he does not believe there will be “anything reasonable in the next report.” The prominent Danish astrophysicist concludes by noting that despite claims about the ocean absorbing the supposed global warming, “several thousand buoys put into the sea to measure temperature haven’t registered any rise in sea temperatures.”

Earlier this month, meanwhile, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its “State of the Climate in 2012” showing that last year was among the coldest so far this century. According to analysts, despite the government agency’s wildly misleading attempts to spin the findings and drum up unwarranted hysteria, the data actually confirm that the globe has stopped warming for the last 15 years. The report also exposes the bogus “climate models” that predicted major warming based on increasing CO2 levels as wrong, which credible scientists have been arguing all along.

“The stagnation of the last 15 years defies all computer model projections, thus confirming that the models all exaggerated CO2 climate sensitivity,” explained prominent climate skeptic Pierre Gosselin, who was educated in mechanical engineering but now spends time ripping apart climate hysteria. “In order for the models to be correct, the global temperature over the last 6 years would have to be 0.2 to 0.3°F warmer.”

Despite those inconvenient and embarrassing truths, Gosselin suspects that NOAA and other U.S. agencies like NASA will soon start trying to “readjust” the data to make it say what they need. “Such dubious (and perhaps criminal) manipulation of data has long since become NASA’s ‘scientific’ approach over the recent years,” he said. “It kind of reminds us of the days when Stalin tried to change history by cutting and pasting photos.”

Already, in an apparent effort to save face — and perhaps huge amounts of taxpayer funding — NOAA was caught using cherry-picked “scattered weather anecdotes” as “evidence” that the globe is warming. “If you think scientists just couldn’t get any more incompetent, then think again,” Gosselin continued in his report demolishing the government’s bogus claims. “NOAA scientists even appear to believe that cold events are now signs of warming. It includes expanding Antarctic sea ice as evidence the globe is warming.” Indeed, NOAA cited record high levels of sea-ice cover in Antarctica in its report.

As if all of that was not embarrassing enough, fear-mongering climate alarmists like President Obama have been threatening Americans and humanity with increased hurricanes and tornadoes due to “global warming.” Between calls for more power and money, UN bosses have also been shrieking about the alleged “extreme” weather supposedly caused by human emissions of CO2. Recent data, however, has left AGW proponents with egg on their faces once again.

According to the latest records on tornadoes in the United States, the nation is currently in the midst of what one prominent analyst referred to as a “tornado drought,” setting a new record for the last 60 years. For hurricanes, which alarmists have also claimed would increase in frequency and severity, the situation is similar. Analysts say Obama’s term in office has seen the lowest number of hurricanes making landfall of any U.S. president. It has been eight years since a major one struck the United States.

While the facts and data continue to make a mockery of UN theories and tax-funded climate alarmism, that does not mean that officials plan to stop the fear mongering anytime soon. Indeed, the Obama administration and its front groups such as “Organizing for Action” are hyping the discredited hysteria to unprecedented heights, engaging in what amounts to an attempted witch-hunt against so-called “climate deniers.”

It appears to analysts and serious scientists as though, after squandering billions in taxpayer money and putting its credibility on the line pushing the “climate scam,” the establishment is not yet ready to abandon its largely discredited theories. Once humanity realizes that the justifications for higher taxes, more regulations, increased government power, and the erosion of liberty and national sovereignty around the world are crumbling, it will be much harder to push similar efforts in the future.

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, politics, and more. He can be reached at

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Raleigh NC & Agenda 21

Rocco J. Piserchia

The City of Raleigh NC is given over to the United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century, a.k.a. Agenda 21.  All one has to do to confirm how entrenched Raleigh is to Agenda 21 is to view Raleigh’s own website for their Office of Sustainability.  This site details how Raleigh is being transformed by the collectivist nightmare of Agenda 21.  Agenda 21 is driven by false environmentalism – the bogus claim that society needs central economic and social planning under the guise of sustaining the environment.  The greatest threat to humanity is carbon dioxide which global warming alarmists erroneously claim is causing the earth’s temperature to increase.  Since man made or anthropogenic global warming has been completely discredited Agenda 21 advocates and central planning control freaks more commonly resort to the more ambiguous phrase of “climate change”.  Even NASA has recently admitted that carbon dioxide is helping to cool the planet.  Of course the climate is always changing since the earth rotates around the sun.

Activist Darin Moser writes, “These sustainability plans would place our communities under a new philosophy of governance called “the triple bottom line” also known as the three pillars of sustainable development (Environment, Economy, & Social Equity.)” As you can see Raleigh’s own website has a logo with these three pillars. 


“Raleigh’s commitment to sustainability is central to its vision for the future. This vision focuses on interdependent relationships between Economic Strength, Environmental Stewardship and Social Equity. These three fundamental principles guide decisions the City of Raleigh makes as a 21st Century City of Innovation.”

Raleigh Mayor Nancy McFarlane and the other members of the Raleigh City Council all deny the overt influence of Agenda 21.  Raleigh is a member of ICLEI which was original called the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives and is now Local Governments for Sustainability.  ICLEI began in 1990 before the UN Rio Earth Summit that produced Agenda 21 in 1992.  Even more disturbing than membership in the UN front group ICLEI is the influence and budget of Raleigh’s Office of Sustainability.  According to the Raleigh Office of Management and Budget (OMB) the Office of Sustainability has a staff of five and an operating budget of over $569,000 in fiscal year 2014.  Under the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) the Raleigh City Council appropriated an additional $1.5 million for a “sustainability revolving fund.” 

“The Office of Sustainability was created in 2008 to provide guidance for policy development and goal setting for the City of Raleigh. Sustainability is a broad term that addresses three fundamental principles: economic strength, environmental stewardship, and social equity. We believe a sustainable community is a thriving community; one that provides opportunity for all residents, cares for the environment, and has a vision for the future. The Office of Sustainability is located in the City Manager’s office and works collaboratively with all City departments to become a leader in sustainability. We also partner with local business community, universities, and civic and nonprofit organizations to build relationships. [source]”

So now you know that the City of Raleigh is controlled by globalist central planning control freaks who intend to transform Raleigh into a subcompact city and continually move toward the elimination of what’s left of our private property rights.         



Raleigh highlighted at the 2012 ICLEI World Congress

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Relax. It’s not Global Warming ‘End Times’

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