Climate Theories Crumble as Data and Experts Suggest Global Cooling

Written by  Alex Newman

Originally posted 8/21/13


So-called global-warming alarmists are in a frenzy after the latest climate data confirmed the Earth actually appears to be entering a potential cooling trend, sea-ice cover in Antarctica is growing to record levels, tornadoes and hurricanes are at record lows, and more. According to experts, the most recent revelations continue to make a mockery of alarmist claims — debunking United Nations theories about human-caused global warming and the wildly inaccurate supposed “climate models” used to forecast doom and gloom by forces seeking carbon taxes and more centralized government.

Proponents of what is known as “anthropogenic global warming” theories, which claim that human activity is to blame for alleged warming, have long warned that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would lead to “catastrophic” warming. The problem is that even based on data gathered by the planet’s premier climate alarmists — the U.K. Met Office, for example, or various U.S. agencies — shows that global warming stopped more than a decade and a half ago, as The New American reported last year.

Now, a leaked version of the upcoming UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report highlighted in the media suggests that the global body’s “climate scientists” are struggling hard to publicly explain the lack of warming they predicted with such confidence. Among the possible explanations offered by the UN’s supposed experts: “ash from volcanoes,” a “decline in heat from the sun,” or more heat being “absorbed by the deep oceans,” according to news reports.

Apparently, however, the draft UN report, set to be released over the next year, does allow for the possibility that the climate is not as “sensitive” to CO2 as the alarmists and their now-debunked models expected. Still, a spokesperson for the IPCC quoted in the government-funded BBC — long criticized for pushing the climate “hoax” despite real evidence — warned the public not to pay attention to the leaked draft because “it is guaranteed it will change” before being officially released. Scientists and experts who have worked on the UN body have told The New American over a period of years that the IPCC is only interested in pushing climate hysteria, regardless of what the facts show.

Of course, CO2, a natural gas exhaled by humans and fundamental to life on earth, has long been vilified by UN climate alarmists as a “pollutant.” Despite the well-known fact human emissions of the gas make up just a fraction of one percent of the greenhouse gasses present naturally in the atmosphere, supporters of man-made global-warming theories insist that humanity must, under UN guidance, destroy the economy to reduce emissions and stave off alleged disaster.

However, with the latest data suggesting that increased levels of CO2 has not led to the “expected” warming, experts say it is time for the UN and its cohorts to re-think their controversial theories. Even the mainstream press in some countries — longtime bastions of climate alarmism — has finally started to report on the potential for global cooling. Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten, for example, ran an explosive article on August 7 about the lack of warming over the last 15 years featuring experts who suggested the earth may actually be entering another “little ice age.”

Reminding readers that the most recent ice age ended just over a century ago, the article was headlined “The behavior of the sun may trigger a new little ice age.” Among other experts, the piece quoted Irish solar specialist Ian Elliott, who warned that “we may be on the path to a new little ice age,” very low solar activity, and “some very cold winters.” Danish astrophysicist Henrik Svensmark, meanwhile, explained that from the 1940s to about the turn of the century, “we have had the highest solar activity in 1000 years.” The last time the sun was so active, Svensmark added, was during the Medieval Warm Period, which climate alarmists consistently downplay or ignore because it does not fit with their “theories.”

“This could mean that the temperature will not rise for the next 30 years or maybe begin to decrease,” the expert continued, adding that “many of the climate models used by IPCC and others overestimate the influence of CO2 and underestimate the influence of the sun.” As far as the upcoming IPCC report goes, Svensmark said the UN body “is very one-sided,” so he does not believe there will be “anything reasonable in the next report.” The prominent Danish astrophysicist concludes by noting that despite claims about the ocean absorbing the supposed global warming, “several thousand buoys put into the sea to measure temperature haven’t registered any rise in sea temperatures.”

Earlier this month, meanwhile, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its “State of the Climate in 2012” showing that last year was among the coldest so far this century. According to analysts, despite the government agency’s wildly misleading attempts to spin the findings and drum up unwarranted hysteria, the data actually confirm that the globe has stopped warming for the last 15 years. The report also exposes the bogus “climate models” that predicted major warming based on increasing CO2 levels as wrong, which credible scientists have been arguing all along.

“The stagnation of the last 15 years defies all computer model projections, thus confirming that the models all exaggerated CO2 climate sensitivity,” explained prominent climate skeptic Pierre Gosselin, who was educated in mechanical engineering but now spends time ripping apart climate hysteria. “In order for the models to be correct, the global temperature over the last 6 years would have to be 0.2 to 0.3°F warmer.”

Despite those inconvenient and embarrassing truths, Gosselin suspects that NOAA and other U.S. agencies like NASA will soon start trying to “readjust” the data to make it say what they need. “Such dubious (and perhaps criminal) manipulation of data has long since become NASA’s ‘scientific’ approach over the recent years,” he said. “It kind of reminds us of the days when Stalin tried to change history by cutting and pasting photos.”

Already, in an apparent effort to save face — and perhaps huge amounts of taxpayer funding — NOAA was caught using cherry-picked “scattered weather anecdotes” as “evidence” that the globe is warming. “If you think scientists just couldn’t get any more incompetent, then think again,” Gosselin continued in his report demolishing the government’s bogus claims. “NOAA scientists even appear to believe that cold events are now signs of warming. It includes expanding Antarctic sea ice as evidence the globe is warming.” Indeed, NOAA cited record high levels of sea-ice cover in Antarctica in its report.

As if all of that was not embarrassing enough, fear-mongering climate alarmists like President Obama have been threatening Americans and humanity with increased hurricanes and tornadoes due to “global warming.” Between calls for more power and money, UN bosses have also been shrieking about the alleged “extreme” weather supposedly caused by human emissions of CO2. Recent data, however, has left AGW proponents with egg on their faces once again.

According to the latest records on tornadoes in the United States, the nation is currently in the midst of what one prominent analyst referred to as a “tornado drought,” setting a new record for the last 60 years. For hurricanes, which alarmists have also claimed would increase in frequency and severity, the situation is similar. Analysts say Obama’s term in office has seen the lowest number of hurricanes making landfall of any U.S. president. It has been eight years since a major one struck the United States.

While the facts and data continue to make a mockery of UN theories and tax-funded climate alarmism, that does not mean that officials plan to stop the fear mongering anytime soon. Indeed, the Obama administration and its front groups such as “Organizing for Action” are hyping the discredited hysteria to unprecedented heights, engaging in what amounts to an attempted witch-hunt against so-called “climate deniers.”

It appears to analysts and serious scientists as though, after squandering billions in taxpayer money and putting its credibility on the line pushing the “climate scam,” the establishment is not yet ready to abandon its largely discredited theories. Once humanity realizes that the justifications for higher taxes, more regulations, increased government power, and the erosion of liberty and national sovereignty around the world are crumbling, it will be much harder to push similar efforts in the future.

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, politics, and more. He can be reached at

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NSA Revelations Prove Abuse Is the Rule, Not the Exception

Written by  Thomas R. Eddlem


Recent revelations by the Washington Post have confirmed that NSA abuse of Americans’ privacy through unconstitutional warrantless surveillance is far more prevalent than agency requests for information on terrorists. And it has also put to lie President Obama’s claims that there has been no abuse of Americans’ privacy by the NSA.

“The NSA audit obtained by The Post,” the Washington, D.C. daily newspaper revealed August 15, “dated May 2012, counted 2,776 incidents in the preceding 12 months of unauthorized collection, storage, access to or distribution of legally protected communications.” Each of those 2,776 incidents may contain up to several thousand privacy violations of Americans, meaning that millions of Americans’ privacy rights may have been violated by the NSA with searches unauthorized by any judicial body. The Post reported of one of the 2,776 incidents that “the most serious incidents included a violation of a court order and unauthorized use of data about more than 3,000 Americans and green-card holders.”

That last incident alone amounts to more than 10 times the quantity of all the phone records the NSA claims to have legitimately searched throughout 2012 in order to find information about alleged terrorists or their confederates. NSA Director General Keith B. Alexander claimed in June 18 testimony before the House Select Intelligence Committee of requests under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act that “in this case, for 2012, less than 300 selectors were looked at, and they had an impact in helping us prevent potential terrorist attacks.”

But the NSA review document did not review every violation of U.S. citizens’ privacy. It only reviewed violations based from the NSA’s Ft. Meade headquarters. The NSA also has large database systems and staff in half a dozen other locations, including a huge new data center in Utah. The NSA document did not analyze abuse by non-NSA personnel either. Other agencies — as well as private contractors such as Edward Snowden — also have had access to NSA data center information. So the actual abuse could be much wider than the 2,776 incidents last year.

The 2012 NSA report puts to lie President Obama’s remarks on the NSA in an August 9 press conference, where he claimed:

I’ve taken steps to make sure they have strong oversight by all three branches of government and clear safeguards to prevent abuse and protect the rights of the American people…. If you look at the reports — even the disclosures that Mr. Snowden has put forward — all the stories that have been written, what you’re not reading about is the government actually abusing these programs and listening in on people’s phone calls or inappropriately reading people’s emails.

Even the NSA was forced to admit that Obama’s remarks were wrong, telling the Washington Post for its August 15 story:

“We’re a human-run agency operating in a complex environment with a number of different regulatory regimes, so at times we find ourselves on the wrong side of the line,” a senior NSA official said in an interview, speaking with White House permission on the condition of anonymity.

The Washington Post noted that the NSA report revealed that instances of NSA improperly accessing Americans’ private information — i.e., abuse — have increased over the years. The Post noted: “Despite the quadrupling of the NSA’s oversight staff after a series of significant violations in 2009, the rate of infractions increased throughout 2011 and early 2012. An NSA spokesman declined to disclose whether the trend has continued since last year.”

The Washington Post revelations have even the most militant warmongers wondering about the alleged benefits of the NSA keeping every American under surveillance. The Washington Post reported that “the interception of a ‘large number’ of calls placed from Washington when a programming error confused the U.S. area code 202 for 20, the international dialing code for Egypt, according to a ‘quality assurance review that was not distributed to the NSA’s oversight staff.” That anecdote prompted even neoconservative security-state hawk Mark Steyn over at the National Review to label it “Idiot Big Brother,” adding that “the prospect of NSA abuse is now a reality.”

Through it all, the NSA has denied Freedom of Information requests by American citizens seeking to see the files the NSA has on them. Kevin Collier of asked for his NSA file, and received a denial. Collier blogged about the NSA response:

“Although these two programs have been publicly acknowledged,” the NSA wrote to me a few weeks later, “details about them remain classified and/or protected from release by statutes to prevent harm to the national security of the United States.”

Other Americans have reported receiving the same kind of letter. Are bloggers like Kevin Collier and other Americans who have requested their NSA file really that much of a threat to national security that informing them about what information the government has on them will put everyone in danger? The NSA seems to act as if all American citizens are some kind of threat to national security on a par with actual terrorists.

The information on NSA abuse, the Post reported, had been “provided earlier this summer to The Washington Post by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.”


You Won’t BELIEVE What’s Going On with Government Spying on Americans

Posted on by WashingtonsBlog

New Revelations Are Breaking Every Day

Revelations about the breathtaking scope of government spying are coming so fast that it’s time for an updated roundup:

  • Each violation could have resulted in many Americans being spied upon.  The ACLU notes, “some of these incidents seem to have implicated the privacy of thousands or millions of innocent people
  • EFF points out:  “The thousands of violations only include the NSA’s main office in Maryland—not the other—potentially hundreds—of other NSA offices across the country. And even more importantly, the documents published by the Post reveal violations increasing every year”
  • NSA whistleblowers say that the NSA collects all of our conversations word-for-word

·         While the government initially claimed that mass surveillance on Americans prevented more than 50 terror attacks, the NSA’s deputy director John Inglis walked that position back all the way to saying that – at the mostone (1) plot might have been disrupted by the bulk phone records collection alone.  In other words, the NSA can’t prove that stopped any terror attacks. The government greatly exaggerated an alleged recent terror plot for political purposes (and promoted the fearmongering of serial liars).  The argument that recent terror warnings show that NSA spying is necessary is so weak that American counter-terrorism experts have slammed it as “crazy pants”

  • The feds are considering prosecuting the owner of a private email company – who shut down his business rather than turning over records to the NSA – for refusing to fork over the information and keep quiet.  This is a little like trying to throw someone in jail because he’s died and is no longer paying taxes
  • Mass spying creates an easy mark for hackers. Indeed, the Pentagon now sees the collection of “big data” as a “national security threat” … but the NSA is the biggest data collector on the planet, and thus provides a tempting mother lode of information for foreign hackers
  • IT and security professionals are quite concerned about government spying
  • Congress members are getting an earful from their constituents about mass surveillance
  • Only 11% of Americans trust Obama to actually do anything to rein in spying
  • A Congressman noted that – even if a mass surveillance program is started for good purposes – it will inevitably turn into a witch hunt