GOP Mega-Donor Sheldon Adelson: Amnesty, Driver’s Licenses, Bank Accounts for Illegals

Originally posted 20 Jun 2014

Las Vegas hotel magnate and prominent GOP donor Sheldon Adelson believes all of the country’s illegal immigrants should be put on a path to citizenship and given driver’s licenses and bank accounts while on that path.

A post-election poll showed that former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was ousted because of his support for amnesty legislation, but Adelson said he hoped that would not derail it.

“Let’s start by instituting a process in which all undocumented immigrants receive permits to legally work here,” he wrote at Politico, even as the country faces a crisis with illegal immigrant children flooding across the border and overwhelming the system. “Let’s provide them with the opportunity to get driver’s licenses and bank accounts—simple things that we all take for granted.”

He also said illegal immigrants should be given work permits because they “are willing to take on jobs that are not appealing to many Americans.” He added that “many of them are exploited because of their illegal status in this country.” 

The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the Senate’s amnesty bill would lower the wages of American workers, and conservative Pat Buchanan said on the Laura Ingraham Show Friday that Adelson just wanted cheap labor for his casinos. Adelson also pressed for more high-tech visas, even though numerous scholars and studies have shown that there is a surplus of American high-tech workers.

Adelson suggested that illegal immigrants who are put on a path to citizenship could do community service “as compensation for being here illegally.”